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YMMV / The Mysterious Stranger

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  • Funny Moments: August isn't convinced No. 44 is really a telepath, and everything the stranger says just coincidentally matches what he's thinking.
    I went musing away, saying to myself, "he must have read my thoughts when I was minded to ask him if I might tell what happened last night. [Forty-Four] called back from far up the stairs:
    Forty-Four: I did!
  • Too Bleak, Stopped Caring: It's a book where Mark Twain takes Author Tract to another level and has Satan basically explain through the whole journey how the human race are a bunch of bastards who don't matter at all in the cosmic scheme of things, that free will is an illusion, and reality might as well just exist inside your head - not that it matters, since the reality you made up is crappy and insignificant. Really, for anyone who isn't a nihilist the book will come off as incredibly difficult to endure, and even nihilists with more positive takes on cosmic insignificance might find it rings a bit hollow.
  • What Do You Mean, It's for Kids?: The Animated Adaptation, which features heavy Nightmare Fuel.
