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YMMV / Tales From The Crypt S3E10 "Mournin' Mess"

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  • Captain Obvious Reveal: If you could deduce the G.H.O.U.L.S' initials and their true purpose when you first saw their name on a sign in the cemetery, you clearly knew what the twist was going to be.
  • Complete Monster: Mr. Copard is the founder of the Grateful Homeless Outcasts and Unwanted Layaway Society, or the Grateful Homeless Society for short. Copard purports to help the homeless find resting places after their deaths. In truth, Copard is the mastermind behind a vicious rash of homeless killings—including of one who knows too much—to steal away their butchered cadavers for one purpose: meat. Copard and the others in the Grateful Homeless are secretly ravenous, sadistic ghouls with a Cannibal Larder full of dozens of half-eaten hobos; when episode protagonist Dale Sweeney finds out, Copard ends the episode having the ghouls converge on him while helping himself to a piece of the man's ear.
