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YMMV / Surf's Up 2: WaveMania

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  • Audience-Alienating Premise: A sequel to an animated surfing movie starring animals featuring WWE Wrestlers as surfers was never going to fly with audiences (pun intended).
  • Bile Fascination: The main reason people seem to seek the movie out.
  • Designated Hero: Cody gets a serious case of Aesop Amnesia in this movie. Throughout the film, he gets jealous of other everyone's success and is completely obsessed with trying to upstage him, to the points of nearly getting them killed.
  • Fanon Discontinuity: Due to its inferior animation, worse jokes, and a plot that is a soulless rehash of the first film and, to make matters worse, said plot goes absolutely nowhere, most fans would like to just ignore this one.
  • Nausea Fuel: The infamous "milk a fish" scene.
  • Padding: Jokes drag on for far too long, especially the interviews.
  • Sequelitis: Being a WWE-heavy sequel, and one of many such films, WaveMania is widely considered to be far inferior to the original.
  • Signature Scene: Most people remember this movie for the bizarre "milk a fish" joke, which features Mr. McMahon imagining himself drinking milk out of a fish, with the fish making some... interesting expressions while the straw is placed on the lower half of its body.
