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  • Memetic Badass: Ancient Rylanor was a minor character whose fate was left hanging in the Horus Heresy books, and cleared up years later. Then "Rylanor's Last Stand" dropped, and within days the entire 40k community (especially on Reddit) had declared the Dreadnought as the pinnacle of badassery and Fulgrim's greatest enemy who dedicated himself to humiliating the Primarch at every chance.
  • Memetic Loser: For the same reasons as Rylanor above, Fulgrim quickly became mocked by his inability to convince his own son to join him after the latter's millenia of solitude, even with supernaturally enhanced charisma, which even ended up convincing a group of Thousand Sons that were nominally his allies to commit ritual suicide just to spite him. Having been portrayed as a Sissy Villain did not help matters.
  • Signature Song: Rylanor's Last Stand, which achieved Memetic Mutation in mere days, is very likely his most famous song. It is currently the most viewed song on his page by a very significant margin, with a viewcount that almost doubles that of his second most viewed song, the If the Emperor Had a Text-to-Speech Device intro.
