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  • Misblamed: Jason Kendall created the original Commodore 64 game. Jason Creighton created the ZX Spectrum port, and did a deliberately awful job of it due to Power Games jerking him around when he tried to get the source code. Many people only know of this game at all because of the infamous result of Creighton's porting job, and seeing his name in the credits, will assume he made the entire thing.
  • Obvious Beta: The ZX Spectrum version, and that's being generous. Not only is the game next to unplayable thanks to bugs and poor controls, but it even comes with the Laser BASIC utility still on it.
  • So Okay, It's Average: The original C64 release isn't exactly great shakes on its own merits - it's an unpolished and frustrating shooter with incredibly cheap enemy spawns. But it has decent graphics, a pretty well designed and reasonably expansive maze, and is at least slightly playable.
  • Porting Disaster:
    • The ZX Spectrum port is often considered to be one of the worst video games of all time, as it is rendered unplayable due to being locked into Caps Lock and then only checking for lowercase input. If one does finagle one's way around this with a POKE (similar bugfixes often being needed back in those days), the game still suffers from an extremely low framerate and hitboxes that don't make any sense, among other issues. To give some backstory for this port, the kid who ported it was stuck in an unwanted contract with Power Games, who didn't think it was necessary to give someone porting the game the original Commodore 64 version to work with, and was trying to submit a product so obviously unusable that they'd just discard it, but it managed to be released.
    • The obscure Commodore 16 port is also borderline unplayable. While the downgraded graphics are to expected, what isn't forgivable is that two of the Enertree pieces were removed, rendering large chunks of the game world pointless, and you're constantly being swarmed by lightning fast, nigh-undodgeable and impossible to kill enemies that ensure a game session will be lucky to last twenty seconds. At least the game input works.
