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YMMV / Pure Light

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  • Epileptic Trees:
    • Burner's grandfather is completely unknown, but unlike many other unknown family members is not directly stated to be deceased. This, along with how is aunt is Cynder, and how one of Burner's brothers have similar horns to Malefor (and is stated to look like his grandfather) has led to a theory that Burner's grandfather is Malefor himself, which the creators have notably avoided either confirming or denying.
    • With the reveal that Casi is not what he seems, a number of theories popped up about his true nature. A lot of them proposed that he is one of the Dark Masters in disguise, or possibly a creation of theirs, either infiltrating the freedom flyers for villainous ends, or somehow their true heroic self without the corruption.
  • Foe Yay Shipping: There is a not inconsiderable amount of readers who ship Poisonbeak and Cynder (Poicyn), with even RusCSI getting in on the fun.
  • Ho Yay:
    • Burner and Electroy have a strong Vitriolic Best Buds dynamic that can easily be readen as Belligerent Sexual Tension.
    • Cynder and Ember are supposedly former friends and now bitter rivals in a Right Hand Versus Left Hand situation, one the Princess Regent and one the general of the army. However, they were at one point close friends, and with moments like Ember saving Cynder's life during Bloody Dawn by fighting off a massive mob alone, combined with Ember's tyranny being a facade, it's easy to read their relationship as more romantically flavoured. Especially with art and short stories like these two.
  • Shipping: The creators, going all the way back to Xannador, are very encouraging of shipping, even throwing their own hats into the ring from time to time. As a result of this, there are a lot of ships going around, some of which make some amount of sense, and some move straight into the territory of Crack Pairing.
  • The Un Twist: Vale being a purple dragon, as revealed at the end of chapter one. He made it pretty obvious in the narration (as well as his actions in the comic) that he's hiding a secret, and considering how he's constantly bringing up the Purple Dragons, it's not hard to figure out.
