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YMMV / Poinie's Poin

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  • Awesome Music: Much of the game's soundtrack is comprised of incredibly catchy tunes that fit the environments they're used in perfectly. Special mention goes to Nasty Sewerage and Snowland.
  • Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: When the player first meets Lilin as she's running away from Lolo and the Hellneows, Lolo is two stories tall. For the rest of the game, she's the same size as Lilin, and her change in size is never so much as brought up, let alone explained.
  • What Do You Mean, It's for Kids?: The game is cute and colorful to the max, the main character is a literal toddler, the gameplay is simple and to the point, and the opening and closing themes are saccharine numbers sung by actual children. This is very obviously a game aimed at kids...and yet the English script contains infrequent moderate profanity (i.e. "bitch", "ass") and questionable lines that would've most certainly had to have been censored had this game been released outside of Japan. Even more baffling is that this isn't even a case of Gag Dub; the game was originally written in English and voiced by American actors.
