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YMMV / Minchina Ota

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  • Accidental Aesop: The overriding message of the movie is that CRIME DOES NOT PAY, but in displaying Katte and Thatha's pathetic state in the beginning of the movie, another Aesop gets conveyed - unless convicts are given a second chance and some support in reintegrating them back into civil society, they will reoffend, if only out of sheer desperation.
  • Fridge Brilliance: It is stated that Tony, the gang's Gadgeteer Genius was studying Mechanical Engineering for two years, then dropped out to go work as an auto mechanic. Why would he do that, when he had a bright future as an engineering professional to look ahead to? Instead of a dead end career, that an auto mechanic's job in India is? A closer look at mechanical engineering curricula in India reveals that the first two years are basically learning theoretical fundamentals such as basic mechanics, basic materials science, basic thermodynamics, basic fluid dynamics, calculus and more calculus, followed by shop class where you learn to use hand tools such as chisels, filers, planers etc, followed by foundry class where you must literally pound sand (clay) into shapes for molds to cook in a kiln, then learn metal smithing where you must pound molten metal day in and day out to form a shape. It requires a great deal of patience and perseverance to make it through these first two years after which more interesting things are learnt, such as designing actual machines and components, fabrication with machine tools etc. A restless impatient person would very well be tempted to just drop out and go work with his hands somewhere. Throughout the movie, Tony displays a restless impulsive attitude, wanting to do something all the time, instead of just sitting around. This is why he hates prison life so much more than other inmates. That restless spirit, also convinced him to leave a going nowhere mechanic's life to go on an adventure with the car thieves. And it most likely led him to leave behind the chance for a respectable career as an engineer.
  • Fridge Horror: Thatha got bumped off the road by a car in the beginning of the movie. He collapses in fatigue once at work and again while walking away after getting fired. He then succumbs to a two story fall, which normally severely injures but doesn't kill. Was he carrying along serious internal injuries from being stricken by the car? And left untreated, were those injuries aggravated by his fall, causing his death?
  • Fridge Logic: Manju should not have been able to procure two loaded revolvers for Katte and Tony that easily, as gun laws are extremely strict in India. Over there, people need to formally request permission from a high ranking police officer at their local precinct to own a firearm, and the cops can decide whether you deserve a gun, and if so, what type of gun. Only people with high political influence can legally grease the wheels to get revolvers - or someone with organized crime ties, who can smuggle guns in. Man just has neither, as she is just another impoverished petty thief. Where could she have procured those guns?
