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YMMV / mikeburnfire

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  • Archive Panic: The mainline New Vegas series has over 300 episodes. Counting all the Legion Mike episodes and series covering overhaul mods like The Frontier, Fallout: Dust, and New California, we're getting upwards of 500 videos of varying length. And that's just New Vegas and mods, without getting into F4 and Skyrim.
  • Discredited Meme:
    • Zach has expressed irritation with the "Pancor Jackhammer is Zach's Berserk Button" meme in an episode of the Fallout 4 series, and proclaims people approaching him and going "ooh, a Pancor Jackhammer, are you annoyed?" are more frustrating than the gun itself.
    • Zach also expressed out-of-character frustration with jokes about his alleged foot fetish.
  • Memetic Mutation:
    • "Was X a pre-war thing or a pre-pre-war thing?" Explanation 
    • Any video about Pancor Jackhammer on Youtube is bound to have at least one comment alluding to Zach's irrational hatred of it.
  • Spiritual Successor: For a lot of fans, Mike and Zach's adventures are the closest thing to a continuation of Two Best Friends Play content (even though they started 2 years before the Best Friends channel ended) due to their dynamic being fairly similar to Matt and Pat's.
  • Tear Jerker: Zach's surprisingly sober speech at the funeral scene during their playthrough of The Frontier. Zach expands upon the selected dialogue choice to comment on the nature and wastefulness of a war waged only for political gain—given his own history as a veteran himself, it's very heavily implied that Zach is commenting upon his own time in the Middle East, and his views on that.
    "Thank you for inviting me to speak here on this very somber occasion; I would just like to say your friends are dead. They died for nothing, every single one of them. But that's war. No one dies a hero. Nobody.

    I'm sure they all begged for their lives. I'm sure no mercy was given to them. But they were called for a cause they did not believe in, that ultimately only resulted in someone padding their bank accounts by several million more. And that's war. The young go and die for things that are absolutely pointless so that some senator can pretend he has a big dick."
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!: Christine's text-to-speech voice was widely criticized for being harsh on the ears and taking away from the character.
