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YMMV / Merlin S 05 E 06 The Dark Tower

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  • Les Yay: The Morgana/Gwen Les Yay is back in full force as part of Morgana's torture. Morgana spends half of the episode touching (and trying to touch) Gwen whether the latter likes it or not. Morgana even goes so far as to call Gwen "my darling" while comforting her at one point.
  • Padding: A couple of scenes in the B-plot seemed rather pointless, including Percival getting a blister and Merlin sliding down a gorge and nearly getting impaled on a sword. Even Queen Mab felt a bit extraneous.
  • The Un-Twist: In a castle filled with illusions and nightmares, it seemed inevitable that the Guinevere Elyan was defending from the levitating sword would end up being some sort of doppelganger. But no, it was really her.
