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YMMV / Marvel Boy

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  • Best Known for the Fanservice: Marvel Boy? You mean that cute alien kid who danced naked on Young Avengers?
  • Complete Monster:
    • Doctor Midas was a megalomaniac xenophobe obsessed with gaining cosmic power and to obtain it, he shot down Noh-Varr's spaceship and then hunt it and Noh-Varr down, to torture, vivissect and sell him, and admits to previously have done this to many alien beings beforehand. He also was to both his wife and daughter, who he trained since birth to be his assassin and convinced her that she was ugly beyond love. He eventually bathes in cosmic radiation and becomes a Super-Skrull-esque Humanoid Abomination.
    • Hexus, the Living Corporation is the Abstract Apotheosis of Capitalism Is Bad, a sentient idea escaped from the Marvel that brainwashes part of NYC to become slaves to Hexus, and potentially take over the world through capitalism and consumerism (Going so far as to trademark planet Earth), growing and growing under a short period of time until Marvel Boy defeats it by revealing the secrets of its products in the Internet to the public.
  • Ensemble Dark Horse: Hexus, the Living Corporation.
  • I Am Not Shazam: Noh-Varr isn't called "Marvel Boy" at any point during the mini. He is called that in future appearances though.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Noh is certainly rough around the edges, and sometimes tetters on being a Jerk with a Heart of Gold, but he hasn't had it easy. He was left stranded in a foreign planet and dimension, his crew (Including parents and girlfriend) were shot down), was tortured by Dr. Midas and hunted like a wild animal through New York.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Noh-Varr is an alien terorrist who, disgusted by Earthlings launches a series of attacks on New York City to sieze control of the planet and terraform it into a new Kree Capital, a process he describes as "Zen Fascism".
