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YMMV / Mage Errant

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Spoilers are unmarked, you've been warned!

  • Nightmare Fuel: While not an outright Death World the continent of Anastis and the world it's on comes very very close.
    • Labyrinths litter the entire world, they are Eldritch Location's that connect the world to alternate universes that are populated with monsters that come from those universes but have been drastically altered by their time in the Labyrinth, and those monsters will eventually start to leave the labyrinth.
      • If they are blocked up, eventually they will overfill and burst, at which time the area around them will be flooded with monsters.
      • The Labyrinths were created by the good guys as a way to stop the decay of individual universes; the more labyrinths there are, the closer that universe is to collapse. The world our characters live in is LITTERED with them.
    • The Listener in the Silent Straits: a being that even the Great Powers fear and respect that no one really knows anything about that lives in a Eldritch Location that can only be passed by if you FOLLOW THE RULES. If you don't think you can follow the rules then you better be prepared to be knocked out for four days as any ship you're on makes it past the Silent Straits.
      • The Rules:
      • 1. Your ship must not be built of cedar or carrying any as cargo.
      • 2. You must use as little magic as possible, even a sound ward is too much.
      • 3. Do not stare directly at the land bordering the Silent Straits, quick sweeps or glances are fine but do not stare at it.
      • 4. Do not speak. No casual greetings, no muffled curse words, nothing. (Incidental noises, like walking, are fine. BUT NO SPEECH OF ANY KIND.)
    • The Sleeper Under the Sands: A Sunmaw the size of a city that is functionally immortal and is only kept from ravaging the deserts of Anastis thanks to it being susceptible to sleeping spells. It took 4 Great Powers to put it down last time and at least 2 to keep it asleep now.
    • The Cold Minds. The combined souls of an entire dead universe who are completely insane and who's only driving force is to find living universe to "escape the cold". When they find that universe they kill it, not by any desire of their own, but just by their mere presence. First they drive everyone living in that universe insane and after that they bring about the cold death once again leaving them in a dead universe.
