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YMMV / Little Town Hero

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  • Awesome Music: As expected of Toby Fox. Special mention goes to Last Battle, the theme of the final boss fight.
  • Dancing Bear: Toby Fox being on the game's development team is one of the most well known facts about the game.
  • Just Here for Godzilla:
    • The announcement that Toby Fox would be working on the game's music is the sole reason some people are interested in the game.
    • Some people are also just genuinely interested in Game Freak's non-Pokémon games as their roots go back to platforming and puzzle games.
  • Mis-blamed: The game has became a scapegoat in the controversy that surrounded Pokémon Sword and Shield only featuring half of all existing Pokémon, accusing Game Freak of wasting their resources on this game instead. In reality, Little Town Hero had a small sixty-person team, compared to the over 1,000 people who worked on Sword and Shield. Game Freak themselves would repeatedly state that the reason for dropping a handful of Pokémon was due to the sheer amount of them they have at this point in the series (over 800) and wanting to better focus on other aspects of the games (though how well they did that is also a source of debate). The mixed reviews Little Town Hero ended up receiving, along with Game Freak getting lambasted by hardcore Pokémon fans, didn't help matters either.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: The bulk of complaints surrounding the game involve its battle system, regarded as being far too esoteric and too convoluted for its own good, not to mention luck-based at times. An Easy Mode was added in to make combat a lot more comfortable.
  • That One Boss: Megalobird is essentially a ticking time bomb due to its fondness for direct Body damage. It has passive abilities that add Pierce onto all of its Dazzits,note  as well as Dazzits that come with Counter. note . It will also automatically counter any Chance Time; Megalobird will retaliate to any direct damage with 4 Body damage to Axe. If you don't kill this thing as quickly as possible, that Body damage will accumulate and take its toll on Axe. Whereas Nightmare Doll, another very difficult boss, is optional, Megalobird is required, encountering it at the end of Chapter 5.
  • Uncertain Audience: The game was described and advertised as being an RPG for busy gamers, featuring a compact story with gameplay that involves no grinding to get satisfaction from. Despite that, the JRPG aesthetic clashes with the card battle-like system and plays more like a strategy game. A strategy game where battles still have a fair bit of randomness that can make them last between 20 minutes and well over an hour; on par with some of the more stressful boss fights found in other JRPGs. As such, the game overall ends up being too short and barebones for RPG fans, while also being too much of a variable time commitment for busy gamers. This likely contributed to the game's lukewarm reception.
