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YMMV / Horrorstör

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  • Complete Monster: Warden Josiah Worth, lord of the Cuyahoga Panopticon in life and in death, believed wholeheartedly and terrifyingly that labor sets the souls of men free. Worth was responsible for a series of animal tortures against the 318 inmates of the Panopticon—aka the "Beehive"—that disgusted even contemporary officials, favoring particularly tortuously grueling work patterns like penal treadmills and crank machines. When one man was unable to turn the crank any longer due to the rotting state the cranks had left his hands in, Worth "treated" him by cutting off his thumbs and returning him to work. Worth murdered all of his prisoners when his prison was closed, and returns in undeath to haunt the IKEA ripoff of the setting—built atop the remains of the Panopticon—dragging the innocent employees who investigate into the unending nightmare he plans on subjecting the souls of his prisoners to.
  • Genius Bonus: Some of the furniture names look like vaguely Swedish-sounding words or pure nonsense, but many of them are actually obscure or antiquated words from several languages, dirty jokes, or references to anatomy, religion, and literature. A partial list:
    • Finnimbrun: An obscure English word meaning "trinket" or "knick-knack".
    • Gradgrind: One of the main characters in Charles Dickens' Hard Times, a man obsessed with facts, figures, and work.
    • Kummerspeck: A German compound word that translates to "weight gained from emotional overeating", literally "grief bacon".
    • Lågniå: Shortened from "urolagnia", the technical term for a urination fetish. Bonus points for this being the name of a water glass set.
    • Lingam: An abstract representation of the Hindu deity Shiva, specifically symbolizing his part in the divine cycle of creation and regeneration and the union of masculine and feminine, frequently interpreted as a phallic symbol.
    • Magog: A name frequently appearing in the Bible and most popularly associated with the concept of Armageddon in the Book of Revelation.
    • Potemkin: A false construct designed to conceal something else's real appearance, as in "Potemkin village".
    • Qualtagh: A word in Manx English meaning "the first person one encounters upon leaving the house".
    • Reniflur: Altered version of "renifleur", a French word that translates to "sniffer" and is used in English to refer to someone who is sexually aroused by smells.
    • Skoptsy: Obsolete Russian for "eunuch", now used exclusively to refer to an extreme Russian Christian sect from the 18th and 19th centuries that practiced castration in an attempt to rid themselves of original sin.
