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YMMV / Hell House LLC II: The Abaddon Hotel

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  • Complete Monster: Andrew Tully. See that page for details.
  • Narm: The completely wooden performances from most of the cast come off as this. The news anchor Suzy McCombs is decent in her "on camera" persona but behind the scenes, her character might as well be an elm tree. Meanwhile, survivor Mitchell Cavanaugh's pleas to not enter the hotel comes off as a schoolchild whining, "come on you guys," to their friends. Both of Brian David Tracy's roles also apply.
  • Special Effects Failure:
    • The makeup and effects definitely took a dive in quality for this film, as did the set dressing.
    • When the police officer walks in front of the interrogation camera, Jessica's face transitions to a scarred and bloody visage, facing the camera with an evil smile, before wiping back to her panicked and scared normal mode when the officer walks back in front. Only problem is that this shot holds for several seconds and it's clear that the face was pasted over the original shot.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!:
    • Many say the characters in this film were less likable than the cast of the first film, saying they were much less sympathetic and interesting than the Hell House crew.
    • Some viewers thought the big reveal and final act where Tully is not dead, everything that's happened is part of his plan to lure more people to their dooms as part of a Satanic plot and confirming the cult's existence was ham-fisted and really dragged on the plot. Others thought it helped explain what was really going on, adding more to the first film. There is general agreement the final scene is the slowest and least scary of the film.
  • Took the Bad Film Seriously: Brian David Tracy is clearly having the time of his life as the hamtastic Andrew Tully.
  • Viewers Are Geniuses: "Est aperta porta" means "The door is open" in Latin.
    • Alex calling the Abaddon Hotel venture "second life". In the Book of Revelation, being cast into the Lake of Fire which is the fate of all the hotel victims is referred to as "second death".
