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  • Complete Monster:
    • Barclyss is the rogue Tren General who is revealed to be behind all the tragedies that Xero and his companions has to endure. Starting as a normal street urchin with intellectual potential, Barclyss lost any respect towards human life after studying biology books. After he joins the Judgment Faction, he first decimates the peaceful town of Ellea. When Corporal Slash of the Blaze Soldiers is captured by the Judgment Faction and refuses to be subjugated by Barclyss, he then spares the Corporal so that he can hear all the screams of his men being butchered in the arena. When Xero tries to challenge Barclyss in order to save the Tren Captain Farrell, Barclyss beheads the captain out of spite. It was also revealed that he turned the people that he slayed into his slaves for Judgment Faction. In addition, he was also responsible for the loss of his childhood friend's eye. When the heroes tries to form a pact with another country, Heyama, Barclyss takes a mobile "Aquadome" fortress to Heyama's shores and has it fire on a building complex. After Barclyss confronts the heroes, he then launches a spell towards the duo and throws warning shots out of petty amusement. After Barclyss's army is defeated, he uses a weapon that could decimate most of the planet's surface by causing a nuclear winter. Although claiming to be a victim of his nihilistic grief and saying that survival is merely an option, Barclyss really does all of his atrocities in order to slake his sadistic and nihilistic pleasures.
    • General Kail is the chief subordinate of Barclyss, and is just as omnicidal as his master. As a high-ranking member of Tren's Judgment Faction, Kail joins Barclyss in shelling innocent villages, murders prospective faction recruits, and summons a sea monster to sink a civilian ship, all to slake his bloodlust and to give the faction more undead slaves. During the attack on Heyama, Kail personally oversees the destruction of the country's largest housing complex, only expressing regret that the Aquadome's cannon doesn't allow him to savor his victims' deaths up close. Using his alchemy and scientific knowledge, Kail acts as the chief engineer of the orbital fortress Affliction, which he and Barclyss commandeer to bombard the planet with the explosive Cosmite mineral. Once his boss is defeated, Kail takes charge of Affliction by himself, launches the largest Cosmite shard, and tries to ram the fortress into the surface in order to finish off the planet's few remaining lifeforms. Cruel and self-centered, Kail seeks to betray Barclyss and rule an utterly silent world as its Sole Survivor.
  • Game-Breaker:
    • The Prime Spike shard greatly increases all stats and can be duplicated infinitely like any shard, making it easy to give the entire party ridiculous stats. Even Final Tenjin on Hard Mode isn't much of a threat against a party equipped with several of these shards.
    • For party builds without Prime Spike shards, stacking Attack Spike shards on Xero is a good way to take out most of a boss's HP with one Prism Link.
    • Having Burns cast Brio All followed by Enda's Vitality Aijo will double the party's max HP while topping them out, allowing them to survive attacks that don't come from Puzzle Bosses.
  • Moral Event Horizon:
    • In his first onscreen appearance, Barclyss wipes out Ellea with his derrangers and converts most of the residents into his minions. In-universe, the Aurian resistance considers him too evil to keep in their ranks when he needlessly kills two Tren soldiers that they held prisoner.
    • Kail not only destroys Heyama's largest housing complex, he's disappointed that he couldn't see his victims close-up, showing that he rivals Barclyss in pointless sadism.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character: General Kail had the potential to be an interesting character, due to being an Omnicidal Maniac like his boss, but with a different goal. The fact that he wants to be the Sole Survivor of the planet's destruction also could have given him a role as Dragon Ascendant in the post-apocalyptic Bad Future. Instead, he was made into a Flat Character whose fate is ambiguous and anticlimatic.
