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YMMV / Avatar: The Last Airbender – Into the Inferno

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  • Anticlimax Boss: Fire Lord Ozai. After the difficult Dai Li fight, you'd expect the fight with Fire Lord Ozai to be just as hard, if not harder. If you have a second player you can beat Ozai in about a minute or two.
  • Complete Monster: Fire Lord Ozai is the tyrannical overlord of the Fire Nation. Ozai is an abuser who burned his own son's face and banished him for speaking out of turn. Through his reign, entire cities are invaded and subjugated by the Fire Nation; villages are poisoned to the point of lethal sickness by his weapons factories; and the kingdom of Ba Sing Se is almost decimated by a massive drill. In his ultimate move of malicious ambition, Ozai plans to use the power instilled upon the Fire Nation by Sozin's Comet to burn the entire population of the Earth Kingdom to ash. When confronted on his reasoning for this atrocity, Ozai simply notes that "the people did nothing to me, they're just in my way".
