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  • Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: 23 minutes into the film, the Ape encounters a giant snake coiled around a tree, and after observing it for a bit, grabs it and throws it. Nowhere in the film was its existence foreshadowed and it's never referenced again.
  • Fight Scene Failure: The battle with the snake involves the gorilla lightly tussling a regular snake, before tossing it rather pathetically at the camera.
  • Narm: Hoo boy, where do we begin with this Z-Movie?
    • The sailor reacting to the giant gorilla by saying “Oh shit” in a dull monotone voice. During the entire scene, it's pretty obvious he's coked out of his mind.
  • Signature Scene: The gorilla giving the finger. To paraphrase one reviewer, it pretty much sums up the entire film.
  • So Bad, It's Good: Atrocious special effects, horrendous acting, terrible edited music, laughably thin plot...A*P*E is pure Z-grade schlock at its most shameless. And that's exactly why it's so dang hilarious.
  • Special Effect Failure: Where do you begin? We have a dead shark being used for the fight scene, utterly abysmal bluescreening, some of the lamest 3-D effects ever, and what is easily one of the most hilariously phoney-looking gorilla suits ever.
