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YMMV / Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God

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  • Badass Decay: Damodar (literally). This is primarily because he goes from being a Genius Bruiser in the first movie to a more "mage-ish" character in this one.
  • Complete Monster: Damodar is still an irredeemable villain. See that page for details.
  • Narm Charm: It is shamelessly D&D geeky, without any of the pretense of its predecessor.
  • So Bad, It's Good: While part of the audience sees the movie as So Okay, It's Average, especially compared to its predecessor, other fans think it has the same cheesy charm than the first one.
  • So Okay, It's Average: Considered to be not as good as the 80s cartoon, but it's still leagues better than the first movie (unless you're one of those people who thinks So Bad, It's Good is preferable to So Okay, It's Average).
  • Special Effect Failure: The CG effects, not because of poor rendering or goofy design like the previous film, but rather because all the effects have ultra pristine high-fidelity details, which disconnects them significantly from the slightly blurry live action backdrops. Especially noticeable on the HD Blu-ray release.
    • Also some props aren't up to snuff, as when Berek and company flee the Dark Mantles, his sword gets slightly lodged in the "stone" doorway and chips off a small chunk of the foam set wall. Then when Lux and Berek capture and threaten Damodar with a dagger, it's quite obviously a crudely carved piece of wood painted to look like a dagger, given its lack of shine and very flat edge to avoid cutting anyone.
  • Surprisingly Improved Sequel: Considering that general consensus places this movie at either So Bad, It's Good or So Okay, It's Average, this should tell you some pretty embarrassing things about the quality of the original, which had a much bigger budget.
