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What Could Have Been / Friday the 13th: The Game

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There was sadly, a Crystal Lake-full of unreleased and confirmed content for Friday the 13th: The Game. After the lawsuit regarding ownership of the franchise between Cunningham and Miller, Gun Media replied to gamer's questions stating there will be no new content or updates; even if there's a court ruling to the dispute. This means none of the below will ever see the light of day (outside fan mods).


  • The game was supposed to be called Summer Camp: Vol. 1, and was going to be an original IP. Evidence of this promotional artwork remains on the loading screens between matches. After a few talks, however, they secured the rights to use the setting, name, and characters of the massive Friday the 13th franchise.


  • Pamela Voorhees as a playable-character. Alas, the stretch goal for her wasn't reached and the devs never announced if they would add her to the serial killer roster at a future date. She could have been a terrifying Part 1 hunter, only killable by Alice if they steal her machete. She would've been physically weak but having excellent Stalk and Morph; able to open doors, windows and use hiding places just like in the movie, all to silently to pick off Counselor players one by one, while disturbingly Talking To Herself after each kill thinking her son is "begging not to let any of them escape alive". Pamela would've been the Lightning Bruiser to Jason's Mighty Glacier; there's a reason after all that the big guy loves, but also fears, his mother very much.
  • Retro Jason was unexpectedly released into the game before it was canned. Originally, this was supposed to be a separate character of its own instead of being an alternate skin for Part 3 Jason. The concept, along with whatever unique powers, abilities, strengths, and weaknesses he would've had, were all scrapped.
  • The option to customize Jason via Sandbox mode. The mode would allow for players to modify Jason's abilities and number of traps/knives he carries (with Necessary Drawback in mind). There was even the possibility of the serial killer appearing during the five absent years between Parts 1 and 2, using Pamela's sweater as his mask. IllFonic and Black Tower Studios ultimately decided, that they couldn't make it work or look as intimidating as they liked, so it was scrapped in favor of the 'Hell Jason' (aka Savini Jason) they ultimately went with.


  • 'The Lazarus Experience' as it was called, was supposed to be the next Virtual Cabin release, which was teasing future maps of the SS Lazarus and a map of New York City as seen in Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan.
  • Representation of Jason X was meant to be next up before the lawsuit shut down all development. What is known is:
    • The map would've been set on the Grendel spaceship. Gameplay-wise, it would play out just like the camp maps do in terms of objectives and trying to survive the serial killer. Nasty twist here is the means to kill Jason here via Pamela's sweater are absent. The Counselors having woken up from stasis, have got to escape the doomed space station, or die trying.
    • Were it not for the lawsuit leaving him cancelled due to Illfonic losing the rights, Uber Jason, the form Jason takes on in the film's climax, would have surpassed Savini Jason as the strongest Jason in the whole game. While this hunter character is 'technically' already in the game note , the judge ruled during the cease and desist case Gun Media couldn't add him to the existing roster as that update would be interpreted as "new content" in the court's eyes, meaning he wouldn't ever appear outside his Virtual Cabin cameo.
    • Kay-Em the android. She was originally supposed to be a new playable-character for said Grendel map; the Master of All heroine, activated when two or more counselors are dead/escaped to save the remaining survivors in place of Tommy Jarvis. Like Uber Jason, her in-game model exists and has recorded audio with stats left in the files. Leftover voice clips shows that she speaks with a Machine Monotone, almost completely deadpan save for some snarky call backs to the movie, even when damaged.
  • Paranoia. A game mode where one of the counselors was actually a copycat Jason killer. Heavily inspired by motivation from Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning, where players must find out who the killer is before its curtains. The "imposter" would only be able to murder the Counselors by equipping Jason's mask, and trying to remain undetected when removing it again.


  • Collectibles. In a future update, these were going to be old photographs that you could find around the map, similar to finding Pamela Tapes or Tommy Tapes that show in your Progression menu. The lore was expanded here to pull a Player Punch in showing Pamela's fall from sanity; a younger woman happily working at the Diner, before being asked by the Christy family to come work at the camp. And of course, Jason enjoying Halloween, the only time of year where he was allowed to feel normal.
  • On the subject of Halloween, it was always intended that the camp maps weather/events settings could be changed before each match in the lobby. Only default moonlit and rainy nights are present in the game. The devs were going to add winter-themes with snow, and the option to select All Hallows' Eve, with pumpkins and decorations. But here, with the exception of campfires and indoor lightning, the map is total darkness (a savvy player will notice this absence of lighting effect does exist, albeit briefly, when a match is loading up). Obviously the potential for a Jump Scare from a Jason hunter is enormous when you can't see him until he's right next to you.
  • Confirmed DLC that was meant to release included extra Jason Kill Packs and new weapons. These kill animations such as "Not Going Anywhere", "Peek-a-Boo" and "Sword Swallow" are all finished, and are all in the game's files.
  • Counselor DLC would've included new emotes, "The Sleepover" pack featuring pajamas outfits for everyone, and space suit costumes for the Grendel Level.
