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What An Idiot / Fireman Sam

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A show about a fireman? Surely he couldn’t make any mistakes, right? Wrong!

  • "Jupiter on the Loose": Elvis tries to hide his homemade cottage pie away from Norman Price.

    • You’d Expect: Elvis to hide it somewhere safe, like a microwave or a cupboard.

    • Instead: He puts on top of Jupiter.

    • The Result: Norman drives Jupiter, and eventually, Sam stops him, and the cottage pie is saved. But as soon as Norman gets out and Derek slams the door, the cottage pie falls and breaks into pieces. Now Norman and Derek are forced to make another cottage pie, with Elvis teaching them, although Elvis is partly to blame for putting the cottage pie on top of Jupiter in the first place!

  • “Floating Kart”: Norman asks Mike to help him build a go-kart, but Mike tells him he’ll do it later.

    • You’d Expect: Norman to listen to Mike and wait.

    • Instead: Norman decides to make one on his own by taking other people's things, such as the fire station dummy and the wedges that were stopping Mike’s van from rolling away.

    • The Result: Later, Mike and Trevor nearly get into a car accident, but thankfully Trevor's bus didn't hit Mike's van. Also, Norman tries his go-kart and ends up riding off of a pier and into the sea, nearly drowning. Norman eventually gets rescued and now has to help Mike fix his van, which wouldn’t happened if Norman had waited in the first place. Even Sam points this out to him.

  • "Norman's Big Fossil Adventure": Elvis overhears Station Officer Steele saying that "cuts have to be made" and will either have to cut out Elvis or Penny, unaware that he's actually referring to a portrait which is too big for the frame that he's trying to use.

    • You'd Expect: Elvis to simply ask Station Officer Steele what's going on so that he can explain that he's trying to fit his photo into a frame.

    • Instead: Elvis starts doing stuff that would get him fired like putting salt into Station Officer Steele's tea and playing his guitar very loudly hoping that Station Officer Steele would fire him instead of Penny.

    • Even Worse: The episode ends with Station Officer Steele simply getting a bigger frame, so there was no need for Elvis to do all of this crazy stuff!
