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Western Animation / A Love Tale of Taylors

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A Love Tale of Taylors (or The First Romantic Comedy Written Entirely By Bots) is a CG-animated short film made entirely by bots for the Netflix By Bots series.

The film is preceded by Carol's Christmas Carol for Carol, A Woman Named Carol and followed by Cheese And Chonk Smoke A City Safe

Contains the following tropes:

  • Aborted Arc: The Taylors went to France in the first place to find out if there were magazines there but get immediately sidelined once the romance plot kicks in. This is lampshaded in the ending:
    The Narrator: [As both Taylors are getting married] They do a traditional jazz kiss, they found each other, they found love, they did not find out if France has magazines. The End.
  • Bait-and-Switch Comment: When Noah proposes to Woman Taylor, he says this:
    Noah: "I propose... I propose we break up."
  • Birds of a Feather: The Taylors end up bonding and falling in love instantly due to their shared love of jazz.
  • Heartbreak and Ice Cream: The narration says this after Woman Taylor is forced to break up with her ex and then marry her career:
    The Narrator: "She 'sads' at her desk eating ice cream straight out of the tuba."
  • Megaton Punch: After deciding to spend her life with Man Taylor, Woman Taylor smacks Noah all the way to Mars, the terrible Man planet.
  • One-Steve Limit: Averted as the main characters are both named Taylor and had to be distinguished as "Man Taylor" and "Woman Taylor" in the narration.
  • Replacement Goldfish: Noah breaks up with Woman Taylor and instead dates another woman who's described as "looks like Taylor but one day younger".
  • Rhyming Title: "A Love Tale of Taylors".
  • There Is Only One Bed: Exaggerated. The Boss accidentally only got a single airplane ticket, meaning the Taylors have to begrudgingly share the sole airplane seat. When they arrive at their hotel, it turns out the hotel only ever bought one bed for the entire hotel.
