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Webcomic / Assembly Line

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Assembly Line is an ongoing fan comic based on Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go. Written by TheBlackSunKing. Listed by the author as episode 5 of their season 5-verse.

Profesor Maezono has returned and have joined forces with lord Scrapperton, he found a way to create a new a better ultimate machine using as base the greatest machine Maezono has ever found: Jinmay... The robot girl taken by the evil brain and will now face her biggest challenge yet, as Sokko makes a deal with the monkey team to rescue her... in revenge over something the brain did to him.

This comic can be read here or here.

The story is followed up by the comic The Infection, in which The Skeleton king unleashes a robotic zombie plague against the Jinmay replicas with a reconstructed Tv monster.

Not to be confused with the fanfic of the same name.

This Webcomic contains the following examples

  • A Father to His Men: Scrapperton views the replicas as his own daughters. He was not happy when he found out that Maezono has been using them as disposable tools.
  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: As Maezono prepares to kill Bitjay, she begs him to stop. Promising to be better, to no avail. And then begs a paralyzed Jinmay to save her.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: Jinmay is horrified by the way Maezono disposed of Bitjay as the latter pleas for her life.
  • And I Must Scream: Binjay was aware of everything and couldn't stop herself while being under controllers control.
  • Apocalyptic Log: Jinmay's origin was told in the form of videos recorded by Dr. Takeuchi.
  • Asshole Victim: Maezono has Binjay kill Krierg/The Mighty Klaw just to eliminate any loose ends.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Aside from Jinmay and a few of the replicas, Maezono turns giant as well. Thanks to combining the best of both Jinmay and Slingshot's designs.
  • Connected All Along: Coming across Thingy's species gave Dr. Takeuchi the inspiration for Jinmay.
  • Clones Are People, Too: The replicas are shown to be individuals with different personalities, looks and names, and are treated at such.
  • Daddy's Little Villain: Bitjay is this for Maezono.
  • Driven to Suicide: Thanks to Maezono's torturous tests and abandonment, the broken replica Beta incapable of handling it anymore erases her own mind after being rebooted by Gibson.
  • Enemy Mine: To get revenge on Maezono, Sokko strikes a deal with the monkey team.
  • False Friend: Maezono acts as one to Scrapperton.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: It is revealed that Maezono was behind Krierg/The Might Klaw reprogramming Jinmay in The Hills Have Five. As a test for his controllers for the Jinmay replicas.
  • Grew Beyond Their Programming: By Maezono's words this is a mistake in Jinmay's design. As she and all her replicas were not meant to learn to go beyond programming and get actual personalities, and is the reason why he created the controllers.
  • Heroic BSoD:
    • Chiro has a brief one after he and the team finding Bitjay's corpse. Thinking that it was Jinmay.
    • Jinmay has one upon discovering her origin.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Prior to Skeleton King erasing her memory, Jinmay was sent to destroy Chinko after spending some time there in her human disguise. But by then, she grew to love the people there. Upset over what she had done, she rebelled against Dr. Takeuchi as she was about to be auctioned.
  • The Dog Bites Back: Maezono gets destroyed by the replicas he tortured and controlled.
  • This Is Unforgivable!: After coming across a broken replica, Chiro and Slingshot have decided that Maezono has crossed his final line.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Thanks to Scrapperton, during the final battle with Maezono. Jinmay can now transform into her Giant form in an almost an instant instead of over a long period of time, in which she would be vulnerable.
  • Whole Episode Flashback: Defects tells Binjay's story prior to the events of this story.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Maezono has experimented and tested many of the replicas to the point of destruction.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness
    • After Bitjay hacks Jinmay into paralysis, Maezono kills her to make her act as Jinmay's corpse.
    • Before that, he has Binjay kill Krierg/The Mighty Klaw after the successful test run of the controllers.

The infection contains examples of:

  • Expy: The reborn Tv monster speak and looks like certain versions of Soundwave.
  • Fighting from the Inside: Antauri is able to momentarily fight the infection for enough time to allow Jinmay to take out his batteries shutting him down.
  • Find the Cure!: The monkey team go to another planet to find the cure against the infection. Which was Thingy's species saliva.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Gibson describes the infection as a modified version of the virus they faced many seasons ago.
  • Lured into a Trap: Tv monster took Antauri to the top of the Bone Ship to lure Chiro into a trap giving him the opportunity to steal his powers.
  • Mood Whiplash: Scrapperton was saddened when he hears about the deaths of some of the replicas. And then gets confused about the saliva delivered to him.
  • Nightmare Sequence: Chiro gets a particularly chilling one where It starts on a pacific moment before he sees Jinmay in a terrible state similar to Beta's before vanishing into dust and then he finds himself in front of the broken helmets of the monkey team and a destroyed Shuggazoom city with a giant skeleton king laughing in his victory, all happening while the infected version of Antauri is telling him that he failed the team, the world and him.
  • The Immune: Everyone that has ever come in contact with thingy's saliva before is this, barring Antauri for obvious reasons.
  • The Virus: Courtesy of skeleton king.
  • Zombie Apocalypse: The titular infection functions as this.

Impasse contains examples of:

  • Abusive Parents: Takeuchi certainly fits, as June's creator, he have erased her memories more than one time and forced her to obey each one of his commands despite her desires.

  • Battle in the Center of the Mind: This happens when June connects herself to Jinmay and enters her mind to try to take control of her at Maezono's orders.

  • Enemy Mine: Original Mandarin offers an alliance to the monkey team until they destroy the Skeleton King.

  • Just a Machine: Takeuchi entire's ideology comes from seeing his creations as nothing more but programming and circuits, not meant to be aware nor be cared for.

  • Not Quite Dead: Maezono reapears and reveals that he transfered most his conciousness into a another smaller robot as he was being destroyed by the Jinmay replicas.

  • Two Lines, No Waiting: The story split as Jinmay goes with June to find their creator to repair Slingshot, while Chiro and the monkey steam stays on shuggazoom to deal with the new enemy.

  • The Evils of Free Will: The reason why Takeuchi keeps June under his control is because he's afraid that by allowing the robot girl freedom of thinking she will eventually turn against what she's supossed to protect.
