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WMG / Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina

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The Journey of Elaina is a Story Within a Story.
The anime and Light Novel might actually be a collection of stories based on the perspectives of story writers who had seen Elaina. Any ambiguity in her personality or the role she played in the events could only be how the writers interpreted it as it is.

Elaina does have feelings for Saya but is just being a Tsundere.
She's not actually opposed to have a romantic relationship with Saya but since she has a reputation as big as she think it is, she has to preserve it and not look like someone that is so easy to convince. After all, one of Elaina's alternate universe selves is "Lovesick Elaina", who is as lovesick with Saya as Saya is with Protagonist Elaina.

Wandering Witch takes place in the past of Little Witch Academia
  • To be exact, Wandering Witch is taking place at the Golden Age of Witches when magic was still abundant, and witches were relied upon by the populace to solve all sorts of problems.
  • Also due to the similar appearance between Sheila and Diana Cavendish, it's possible Sheila is a long lost relative of the Cavendish family.
