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WMG / Ultima VII Part II

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The Ophidians were originally Snake People
Only automatons remain of the Ophidians, but the original Ophidians perished. The remainder went to the Lost Lands of Ultima Online, where they are presented as naga-like Snake People. This serpent form was seen in ancient Britannia, and lead to serpent cults such as the worshiping of the Silver Serpent. The name Serpent Isle comes from the ancient serpent people inhabiting the island. Little evidence remains, though the Shasrajah Wildmen are the experiments of chaos, exhibit reptilian traits, and inhabit the old Ophidian ruins, and are perhaps a remnant of earlier experiments from the reptilian culture.

The Ophidians may be related to the Kotl and Sakkhra of Savage Empire. Like the Ophidians, the Kotl had automatons and an advanced underground culture that vanished and became shrouded in myth to later human civilization.

The Ophidians may have migrated from Eodon, or were from the early Sosarian Lizard Man experiments of Mondain, or may be the early ancestors of the underground Thepa Lizard Men of the Stygian Abyss in Ultima Underworld, migrating to the island that would become Serpent Isle before the island vanished to its own realm.
