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WMG / The Warded Man

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The Demon Cycle is a Prequel to Supernatural
The Krasians believe that the is one (male) god of light - Everam - who created the universe and one (female) god of darkness - Nie - who wishes to destroy it who are equal in power. Neither can interfere with the world much because they're too busy trying to stop the other from doing so. In Supernatural, God/Chuck, a (male) nigh-omnipotent being apparently composed of pseudo-living light created the universe after sealing away his equal and opposite, his sister Amara, a nigh-omnipotent being of pseudo-living darkness. However, before that point he had already created an unspecified number of universes, which Amara destroyed. Clearly, this one is merely taking a bit longer than the others because Chuck is actively trying to stop her at the moment. Even the magic system fits! Runic symbols that have various effects on specific supernatural beings is not a new concept in the universe of supernatural.
