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WMG / The Olympians

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Dionysos will feature at least a nod to the "Zagreus" myth
Maybe O'Connor won't go for straight up depicting Dionysos as Persephone's son, but he may go the route of having her be the one to raise him. Bonus points if he gives a (literal) Mythology Gag by depicting Zagreus as an Affectionate Nickname Persephone likes to call him.

Myths that might be retold in Dionysos alongside Dionysos' origins
  • King Midas' Golden Touch (appropriately, since Dionysos gave it to him)
    • Possibly confirmed by this Instagram post.
  • Orpheus and Eurydice (Dionysos has a myth where he goes into the Underworld to bring a loved one back, so it would only fit to bring up Orpheus as well—perhaps he'll be brought up as a warning to Dionysos as to how he could mess up getting Ariadne back)
  • Kadmos (the first Greek hero—seeing as he's Dionysos' grandfather and the book will likely feature a resolution to Io's tale, it makes sense that Kadmos would make an appearance)
  • Theseus and Pirithous being imprisoned in the Underworld (since we'll likely be getting closure on Ariadne, it'll be refreshing to see Theseus get his karma for abandoning her)
  • Bellerophon (it seems odd that O'Connor has glossed over such a famous myth for so long)
  • Eros and Psyche (ditto for this one)
  • Priapus and Hestia (seeing as Hestia is apparently going to narrate the comic, it wouldn't surprise me if she told this story to remind us that her family still has its good side, even with all their faults—granted it'd be hard to keep a depiction of Priapus G-Rated...)
  • A Perspective Flip on Apollo flaying Marsyas (O'Connor mentioned in his notes for Apollo: The Brilliant One that he wanted to depict Apollo and Dionysos as acting friendly towards each other whilst harboring secret disdain for one another; with that in mind, it'd be interesting to see how Dionysos felt about Apollo killing his friend, since a reaction wasn't shown in Apollo's comic)
