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WMG / Teenage Euthanasia

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Pete is Annie's father
Teen Trophy sends Pete upstairs and then goes and has sex with someone we don't get to see... upstairs. We don't see Pete again at the party, but luckily there's some wiggle room. We do see his puppet moving and talking... but we don't see Pete. They do, unfortunately, happen to look a lot alike. Though that could be the show's style or the fact that they are actually related by blood regardless of if this WMG is true or not.

God erased Trophy’s memory about her experience in going to heaven and meeting God.

Pete and Trophy are Half-siblings.
They have different hair colours. Pete’s father is a brunette like him not blonde like Trophy. Neither of Pete’s father and Baba are blondes like Trophy. It is assumed Trophy must have a different father or she was adopted by Baba.
  • Trophy couldn't have simply dyed her hair?
  • Blonde hair is a recessive gene. Neither parent needs to be blonde themselves in order to carry the gene.

Annie’s biological father is actually God in human disguise.
  • She turn herself as a human man for fun.
    • So would that make Annie Jesus' half sister or something?
      • Um, yeah. Also, Annie’s tear brought Trophy back from the dead. What if Annie inherited this power from her biological father? Plus, God is known for making miracles like bringing them back from the dead.

Baba believe having friends ruined people’s lives
  • It makes sense because when Trophy was friends with Sophie Bennett, Sophie took everything from Trophy including her boyfriend Lonnie. The results? Trophy had sex and became a teen mom and ran away.
    • When Pete was younger, he had a friend name Timmy and he was traumatized that he saw his dead friend in the basement because Timmy flew his kite into traffic.
    • Baba didn’t let Annie and Pete have friends because she doesn’t want them to get hurt and traumatized more.
