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Ryosuke's father was a member of the Galdrblog Family
Episode 6 Spoiler Warning
  • According to Lisara, both halves of Gram were entrusted to Grimwald's two top ranking Houses: the Restall Family, which guards the "female" lineage, and the Galdrblog Family, which was said to possess the "male" half. Lisara used her family's half when she forged her provisional contract with Ryosuke; not knowing that the other half lay dormant in his body. For that to be possible, his father would have to be part of the Galdrblog Family. Meaning, Ryosuke is half human and half shinigami nobility.

It's possible that Iria might've formed a contract with Meshiyori
  • In episode 3, when Iria touched Meshiyori's hand, Iria estimated her spirit level to be 1 millionnote . Since she hadn't formed a provisional contract with anyone yet, it's likely that she was searching for a suitable candidate and migh have chosen Meshiyori, had Lisara not interrupted.
