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WMG / Orange Crows

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Fairies Are Witches Mutated by Arcane Warfare
Cierra gained fairy-like abilities when the spell she was researching literally blew up in her face. Most prominent of those abilities is a Magical Eye that can absorb spell energy the way fairies can.

The "Myth of Wings" Cierra's mother's notes reference describes fairies as a punishment from the gods for the war that Witches fought amongst themselves. But maybe fairies aren't a punishment from the gods for the Witches' war, and are instead the natural result of arcane warfare? They may have originally been Witches who were struck down by war magic, and instead of dying they were warped by the spells and turned into monsters. Cierra's condition is proof that Witches can be transformed (at least partially) into fairies or can develop abilities similar to a fairy when exposed to unstable magic.

Cierra's Mother Was Researching How to Restore a Witch's Wings
Cierra's mother was researching medical magic, but her notes also pointed to the "Myth of Wings" — a legend explaining that Witches have flightless wings as a divine punishment for their warlike tendencies. Perhaps Mrs. Pensblood was searching for a way to restore a Witch's wings to their full size?
