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WMG / Mischief (MHA)

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There will be an arc dedicated to exploring The Multiverse.
  • The concept has been teased way too much for it not be explored further, with Izuku meeting and maybe forming and Alliance of Alternates with other versions of himself in order to fight Thanos.

Eri's Quirk is connected to the Time Stone.
  • Rewind is sufficiently similar to the Time Stone to make one wonder if that is from where it originated. That may be the reason Loki is so interested on the girl.

Other Marvel villians and there connection to MLA villains.
Because at this point, why not?
  • Agatha Harkness.
  • Amora, the Enchnatress.
  • Bullseye.
  • Kang, the Conqueror, for a possible multiversal travel arc, and since the fic runs on spite, and Kage would not miss the opportunity to write a better version of the character considering how the MCU had been screwing it up.
  • Apocalypse, maybe he could be connected to Nine as well.
  • The Purifiers, who could be connected to the CRC.
  • Sabertooth.
  • Mister Sinister.
  • Lady Deathstrike.
  • New versions of the Sinister Six, led by a new Green Goblin.
  • HYDRA, led by Baron Zemo or Madame Hydra.
  • MODOK.
  • Nightmare.
  • Knull and other symbiotes.
  • Dracula.

Camie Utsushimi is related to Amora, the Enchantress.
Camie's suprise appearance and her attempt to get close to Izuku after the Sports Festival, can't be a conincidence, given how many demi-humans are problably spread across Earth. Both are blonde, gorgeous with illusionist powers. There is also the confirmation that Amora was a villain that Loki dealt with (and most likely helped and recruited for Thanos's cause) while serving as a consultor for the Avengers. Maybe Amora is still left in the world, and had a child, and maybe Camie is aware of Izuku's true heritage.

The Second and Third Users are Marvel characters.
There is a good chance that all the items in Tenko's hero outfit are foreshadowing not only that Two and Three have different Quirks, but are also known heroes from the Marvel Universe.
