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WMG: Tails is just a Genwunner who thinks that every Sonic past the Genesis games is no longer the real Sonic.

Tails started killing people once Sonic got new friends that threaten his position as his best friend. Most of the series' character bloat came after Sonic 3 & Knuckles. While Knuckles was his first kill, he wasn't that close to Sonic even after his Heel–Face Turn until the Adventure Era.

WMG: Secret History Tails is supernatural in origin.

Secret History Tails has been shown in There's Something About Amy to shapeshift and hypnotize others, in addition to his debut video showcasing him being a lot more expressive than the rest of Secret Histories' cast. This might imply that Secret History Tails is not an actual fox, but something akin to an alien invader, a demon, or even possibly some kind of Eldritch Abomination pretending to be a fox
