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WMG / Gravity Falls: Lost Legends

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Anti-Mabel made some sort of deal with her dimension's Bill Cipher to start/cement her Faceā€“Heel Turn in her universe
  • Right before Anti-Mabel and the Mabel army duke it out, Anti-Mabel boasts to Mabel that "THIS SHOOTING STAR SHOOTS BACK!", 'Shooting Star' being the Affectionate Nickname used by Cipher for Mabel. It stands out, as our Mabel has never explicitly referred to herself as "Shooting Star", and if you look closely at the third panel here, the front of Anti-Mabel's hair-do is decidedly triangular...

Dipper plans to remove the "Mabel's Fault" sign once he returns to Gravity Falls
After Mabel's experience in Dimension MAB-3L, she started to become a better person. Dipper of course, took this to heart and confessed that the cause of Weirdmageddon wasn't her fault, and revealed that he withheld information about the Dimensional Rift and what it could do. Naturally, Mabel forgave her brother. The next year, after the Pines twins returned to Gravity Falls, Dipper's first order of business was to remove the "Mabel's Fault" sign, and replaced it with a new sign saying, "Pines Fault" note 

Grunkle Ford managed to locate the missing bodies of Mr. What's-His-Face's victims
At the climax of Face It, we see that in Mr. What's-His-Face's lair, there were numerous faces that he stole. After Ford froze Mr. What's-His-Face, Ford went to his lair and discovered the victims. Fortunately, Ford had a device that locates the missing bodies of the victim's faces. It took a few days, But Grunkle Ford got everyone's faces back to their proper bodies.
  • The fact that one of the faces apparently is Durland's seems to confirm this theory.

There will be another Lost Legends Graphic Novel
As part of a special 10th anniversary project, Alex Hirsch will make a new graphic novel called Gravity Falls: "More" Lost Legends. whereas the first graphic novel contained four stories, the sequel will have five stories. For the main narrator, the role will be shared by Ma and Pa Duskerton from The Inconveniencing. The following stories are:

  • I Was A Pre-Teen Werewolf: The story deals with Dipper getting attacked by a mysterious wolf, which resulted him turning into a Werewolf. Over the course of the story, Dipper will become increasingly more violent every time he changes. Thus, it's up to Mabel, Wendy and Soos to find a way to cure Dipper.

  • The Sorcerer of Wayz: In this spoof of The Wizard of Oz, Mabel takes on the Dorothy role wearing a blue gingham sweater and sapphire pumps and Waddles as Toto. Dipper will appear as the Scarecrow, Wendy as the Tin-Girl, and Soos as the Cowardly Lion. And finally, The Hand Witch from Hands Off will be the Wicked Witch, and Grunkle Stan as the Sorcerer.

  • The Intergalactic Dog Sled Race: This chapter recounts that time Dipper and Mabel challenged that Space Lizard to a dog sled race. It will be revealed that the Space Lizard created a snow storm in Gravity Falls, and the Pines twins challenge him to a dog sled race to save the town from being buried in snow.

  • Robo Love: Noticing that Mabel feels down in the dumps due to not finding a boyfriend. Grenda and Candy decide to get Mabel a blind date. During their search, Grenda and Candy discovered an abandoned robotics lab and found a very human like android named Andy. After Grenda and Candy showed Andy a photo of Mabel, he instantly falls in love with Mabel. Thus, Andy shows up to the Mystery Shack to take Mabel out on a date. However, Grenda and Candy notice something very strange with Andy. Like violently beating up a boy for looking at Mabel. Thus Grenda and Candy have to stop the android before Mabel gets hurt too.

  • The Chronicles of Blendin Blandin: The last story will detail what Blendin was up too during Weirdmageddon. While some information of what happened to him was shown in a secret message in Journal 3, this story will give more insight into Blendin's adventures.

The last few pages will show that the Ma and Pa Duskerton's wraparounds were taking place during Dipper and Mabel's 13th birthday. When the twins enter the convenience store, they each place a $100 bill into the tip jar. This random act of kindness was enough to show the Duskertons that not all teenagers are bad, and depart to the afterlife. But before they go, the Duskertons apologize to Mabel for possessing her and Dipper for nearly trying to kill him and his friends.
