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WMG / Dokapon Kingdom

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A yellow male player is the canonical winner of Journey
Kingdom is supposedly a sequel to Journey, and both the king and Princess Penny have yellow hair (as opposed to the white and brown respectively in Journey). The previous Penny died in childbirth, so the hero named their daughter after her. When monsters showed up and he was too old to do anything about it, he decided to use the same strategy his predecessor used: calling on young adventurers to do all the work.
  • But Kingdom came out a year before Journey. Wouldn't it be the other way around?
    • Journey is a remake of the first game, while Kingdom is a remake of the second game. Therefore, it's technically a sequel.
The story mode is actually a variation of The Reaper's Game
Cash is obviously the composer.
Dokapon Kingdom is a Netherworld
Hence why most people are so cartoonishly terrible to each other: they’re literal demons, they just don’t know it.
