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WMG / Death's End

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Ai AA is a Trisolarian android.
AA is a Trisolarian android like Sophon. Her mission was to prop up Cheng Xin with money and prestige by founding Halo for her, initially to help her get elected as Swordholder so humanity loses deterrance and later to have her stop Wade's plan which would have saved the solar system out of spite. Xin also enabled her to infiltrate the sophon-proof rooms. After fulfilling her mission, she was told to continue acting benevolent towards Xin, partially because the Trisolarians somewhat respect her and possibly because Tianming can control the sophons.She has an odd name, even for Deterrence Era earthlings, with Gratuitous English Acronym Confusion. Each A could stand for a word such as "AI" or "artificial". (Her family name literally is AI, though that one is in Chinese originally.)Sophon is an East Asian Head-Turning Beauty, AA is an East Asian (Gender-Inverted example of) The Casanova. The Trisolarians simply have a type. Like Sophon, she has hints of The Social Darwinist.The reason she didn't start an Adam and Eve Plot with Tianming despite being The Casanova? She couldn't, because she was not human.The reason she was the only person out of her, Xin, Tianming and Yifan to not have registered ownership of the Pocket Dimension? Because she was just another servant android belonging to that universe at that point, like Sophon.
