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WMG / Barbapapa

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The Barbas are from space.
  • They just show up on Earth and nobody has ever heard of them before. They don't resemble any normal animals, and reproduce by laying eggs and planting them on the ground. In the second book, Barbapapa goes looking for a mate in space, and in the book "Barbapapa Sur Mars" they go to Mars and find creatures very similar to themselves, except they are black and white with patterns and have antennas. Since Barbapapa and Barbamama are apparently found on the same garden, their eggs/seeds could have ended up on Earth on a small meteorite or even a spaceship.
The children are not actually theirs. They are adopted.
  • As you can see, there are multiple (if not tens) of children, yet only one is black like their mother. None of them are the color of their father. Using pundit squares, it's easy to see that all those colors of Barba are just not possible from those two. Perhaps they took them from a dying family? Or maybe they were made in a genetic lab? There's a lot of possibilities for their origins that could be seen in a dark, gritty origin story episode (if they are ever willing to make one).
Barbas are of a similar alien race to the Crewmates from Among Us.
  • Maybe one of them is actually the impostor!
