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Video Game / The Ugly

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You, a young school girl, had just returned home only to discover that the front door was open, a small blood splattered on the wall, and your parents absent. But this isn't your only worry.

The Ugly is a point-and-click game made by jreinalab and is played in Newgrounds here. Be warned though, you may regret playing it.


  • Bittersweet Ending: While you survive and stop the killer's rampage, your parents are still dead and you will be irrevocably traumatized by the incident.
  • But Thou Must!: Turning on the radio is required to get a good ending, as the noise draws him out of your parents' bedroom, otherwise they'll ambush and kill you as soon as you walk in.
    • Similarly, if you skip the sink and go straight for the toilet, you will scream at the sight of your father's head and the killer will hear you.
  • Failed a Spot Check: The killer doesn't notice your foot peeking out beneath the curtains after using the radio to lure them out.
  • Harmful to Minors: You, an innocent schoolgirl, will have to go through some horrific shit throughout the game.
  • I'm Dying, Please Take My MacGuffin: Before your mother succumbs to her injuries, she will give you the gun hidden under your parent's bed, which allows you to survive the killer's rampage.
  • Implied Rape: If you decide to sleep on the couch, the killer finds you and begins stroking your legs. It ends with you opening your eyes and screaming before it cuts out.
  • Newspaper Backstory: If you pick up a newspaper in the kitchen, it reveals that a killer named Donald "The Ugly" Dempsey has escaped the prison and is on a horrific killing spree, starting from your house.
  • Off with His Head!: In the bathroom, you will find your father's decapitated head inside the toilet bowl.
  • Ominous Television: The television, which was still on by the time you went home, was emitting a static screen, hinting at a dreadful and foreboding atmosphere.
  • Parental Abandonment: Your parents are not around when you come home from school and your main objective is to find them. Too bad they were murdered.
  • Rape as Drama: After you find your mother, naked and beaten to a bloodied pulp but still alive, it's revealed that before you turn on a radio, the killer had already sexually violated her.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: If you pick up the phone from the hall and call for help, the killer will immediately hear and kill you. This goes for the television, as any choice you make with it will instantly get you killed.
  • Would Hurt a Child: The killer doesn't just target your parents, either. He will get a chance to kill or molest you, as well.
