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Video Game / Analog Funkin'

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Directed by TackSFM and Chase Redding, Analog Funkin' is a mod for Friday Night Funkin' which serves as a crossover with various Analog Horror properties, such as The Walten Files, LOCAL58, Mandela Catalogue and more. The demo can be downloaded here.

Song List


The Backrooms

  • Celebration (Partygoer vs. Boyfriend)


  • Real Sleep (Real Sleep Faces vs. Boyfriend)

The Walten Files

  • Abduction (Pumpkin Rabbit vs. Tammy Fox)



  • His Throne (Stargazing Programme / The Moon vs. Boyfriend)
  • Unnamed Song 2 (The GPS vs. Boyfriend)

The Backrooms


  • Manipulated (TMK vs. Kirby/Brent Cole)
  • Unnamed Song 4 (TMK vs. Boyfriend)


  • Take Care (Room vs. Pico)



Five Nights at Freddy's VHSnote 

  • Criminal (VHS William Afton vs. Boyfriend)
  • Pirate Cove (Cartoon Foxy vs. Boyfriend)

Mandela Catalogue / Mandela Magazinenote 

  • TRUST ME (Alternate vs. Pico)
  • Unnamed Mandela Magazine Song (Ceaser Castle vs. Mark Woodvalley)
  • Unnamed Song 1 (Archangel Gabriel vs. Boyfriend)
  • Other Side (N vs. Mark)
  • False Identity (Mark vs. Cesar)
  • Dark Hallway (Intruder vs. Boyfriend)

This mod contains examples of the following tropes:

  • Adaptational Badass: Downplayed. While Tammy is still killed off as in canon, she does last a bit longer in this mod to confront Pumpkin Rabbit himself.
  • Doomed by Canon: Anyone who's familiar with several of these encounters will know that the playable characters victim to them won't get out of them alive.
  • Original Generation: Seeker/Queer isn't from any pre-existing Analog Horror media, but is an original character planned to be the focus of an analog horror series the director plans to do upon finishing this mod.
  • Shout-Out: The whole premise of "Abduction's" viewpoint is similar to that seen in "Fight or Flight".
  • Token Good Teammate: While downplayed, of the current opponents in this mod, the Partygoer is the only one not actively attacking Boyfriend, due to their nature.
