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Tropers / Xwd

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Hi. I'm xwd, though the wiki seems to think it's capitalized "Xwd". Capitalize it the way I do, dammit! (I know there's a trope somewhere about that, but I can't seem to find it right now. Bleh.)

I'm currently a 18-year-old white male high school (the same one as Walter Flagg - be sure to tell him that I'm e-stalking him) student who will likely be entering college sometime in the fall as a major in computer science. No, seriously, I'm like crazy good. I can hack together Java code pretty well. None of that Javascript sissy stuff, I mean the whole "everything has to be a class and also we don't trust you enough to overload operators" Java. Also I can use Linux.

Computer nerdiness aside, let's talk about my other nerdiness. For starters I like electronic music. Not the anthem trance stuff you might hear on the radio. I mean like house and drum & bass and breakbeat and techno and ambient and stuff like that. You know, stuff no sane person (i.e., not you) would listen to. Currently I've decided my thing is that I like chiptunes. Heck, just stalk my nerd music listening here.

I'm not very good at video games, despite the number of them I kinda play. The one I could probably beat you at is Soldat, if only because you'd probably pick the minigun and I could just nade spam you. Or maybe, if I'm feeling generous, chainsaw you (it's harder than you think to chainsaw someone with automatic weapons) and pee on your bisected body while shouting quotes from the Doom comic. RIP AND TEAR YOUR GUTS!

I consider myself a closet Order of the Stick fan. I don't know why, probably from the stigma associated with cartoons. Stupid society and its subconscious impact on me. Strangely enough, I have no problems with webcomics that are as crazy if not more, like Dr McNinja or Concerned. I asked one of my e-friends about my issue. He basically said "If I don't have any problems telling people I'm gay, why should you have problems telling people you like a webcomic?" Consulting with associates confirmed that Order of the Stick is "awesome", yet I still can't get myself to even read it, despite my desire to rip the art style off hardcore because I can.

I use big words when I'm tired. I found that out when I wrote an English essay at midnight.

I haven't done anything significant yet. Some examples here, some minor typo corrections there, some arrogance hopefully contained to this page. I'll keep you updated if I do anything I want you to care about.

For more pointless blathering and failed attempts at humor, be sure to visit my LiveJournal blog where I explore such important issues as "what happens if you mash David E. Sugar and Dorothy's Magic Bag together?" and "OMG KASSON CROOKER POSTED ON MY BLOG" and how much I hated AP US History and what I do at midnight in the summer and justifying a lifestyle I do not follow. Twice.
