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Tropers / The Shower Moment

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Describe The Shower Moment here.

The steps leading up to The Shower Moment are almost as important to chronicle as the Moment itself. You've come home from an average day at work and note that your browser is open to the YKTTW you wrote last night at 2 am. Bemused, grab a plate full of pizza and you check for replies and a few of the other good ones floating on top of the page. You note a few things that need clarification in your late-night posting and so you edit them. You respond to one or two of the people who commented on your YKTTW. One of the comments in another thread links a trope you haven't seen before, so you click it and read the page. You delete a couple of inaccurate examples, and leave a comment on the discussion page as to the reasons why. You follow a link to another tropes page, and browse through it a bit. You decide it's about time to take that shower, so you get up, walk to the bathroom, and get in the shower. This is the Shower Moment. As you're lathering yourself up, realize that THE CLOCK READ 8:39 PM AS YOU PASSED IT, IT IS NOW DARK OUTSIDE, AND TV TROPES HAS ESSENTIALLY EATEN YOUR ENTIRE EVENING. Congratulations.

As you walk out of the shower you start to notice things that you didn't see earlier. The empty pizza box sitting on the stairs, the work clothes thrown haphazardly onto the couch, the FACT THAT YOUR WIFE IS NOT HERE AND YOU DON'T RECALL HER LEAVING. Other, odder clues pop up. Your handheld gaming system is powered on, in standby mode, and for some reason that you cannot recall, on the towel rack. There are pillows strewn all over the living room. The lights are all out, and you're starting to think about cracking open the "bottled water" you bought on your way home...

Then, you realize that you're writing a TV Tropes article about how this all happened... and you're looking up tropes to link to in your article...

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