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Tropers / Spartan 0214

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Describe Spartan_0214 here. Roger that. Kinda hard to though. He's a weird duck, having graduated from a Prep school, played Dungeons and Dragons about twice a month during high school, organized Halo tournaments with friends, and joined the Ultimate Frisbee team at his Technical College... just to name a few things. And the people at each of those places have called him weird. Also, he planned one of the Halo tournaments on the same day as Prom. Accidentally. He was referred to TV Tropes via Dark Hunter. He notices tropes everywhere, calling them out even though people around him generally have no idea what he's talking about. You'll probably see Spartan online correcting minor grammatical mistakes on TV Tropes, perusing the Lotus Clan Forums, playing Team Fortress 2 on the Lotus servers, running missions in EVE Online, occasionally playing Halo on the PC servers, and occasionally logging onto Xfire. He does other things online, but you can't see him doing that. He hopes.

He's contributed to a few pages already, but he hasn't really added many examples. He sticks to fixing minor technical details and grammatical mistakes. He'll start posting all fixes that he does from now on here on this page. And yes, he does like speaking in the third person, though not really for the reasons stated on the page.

