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Tropers / Rahheemme

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Well damn, I have a troper page now? Eh. Let's get this started.

  • cracks knuckles*

Hi. My name's Will, but my online handle is Rahheemme (Rah-heem). If you can't spell it, don't worry about it. I like to write stories, hence my presence on the site, and am also an aspiring filmmaker. People say my scripts and camerawork are good, but I need work on sound design and cinematography. If you ever want to see any of my films (most are online), just message me. I'd put up a link, but it's 3 AM at the moment and I don't exactly feel like it.

I like Sci-Fi and Horror and will give my opinions on both if asked. I'm open to all genres, but those are my favorites.

Here are some tropes I particularly like:

The Worm That Walks

Cosmic Horror

Go Mad from the Revelation

Alas, Poor Villain

What Measure Is a Non-Human??

Art Major Physics (Oh God, I love this one SO MUCH)

High Octane Nightmare Fuel (But only when done well)

And this space is for...Vandalism, is it? Eh. Just make me feel less lonely if you want:
