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Tropers / RP Rpsych

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Describe RP Rpsych here.

Wow, that's a tough task. RPR's the name (or at least the initials!) and psychiatry's the game, or at least my profession (hence the name). Have been browsing these excellent pages for months, before finally deciding to create a user account...

First task: to create a page for Shokojo Sera. Which, given my usual pace of work, will take a little while...

More to come later.

ETA (30/8/09): Page created. Huzzah!

ETA (7/1/13): I have also created the page for Love & War, and am working on one for Romancing Walker.

ETA (30/1/13): Romancing Walker is almost done, along with its character sheet. Now off to read some Sandra and Woo in peace. :-)

ETA (2/3/13): I also have made some edits to Pearl Jam and The Forsyte Saga. And what now?

ETA (5/3/13): Now working on Western Animation/Clementine. Everything's better with snarky flying kittens!

ETA (26/3/13): Everything's better with fanfics! If you enjoyed Love and War, be sure to check this "alternate continuity" out!
