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Tropers / Oratel

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Hello! Just another Troper, doing some editing.

  • Inuyasha clean up progress: stopped at And Your Little Dog Too (top to bottom) and Nun Too Holy (bottom to top)

    Notable Pages 
    Character Pages 
Character pages should have tropes that focus on a character's appearance, personality, or any characteristic actions. Tropes about plot points, progression, and/or one time actions should not be included. If a trope is on a character page, it should not be included on that work's page and vice versa. If multiple characters fit one trope, put that trope on main page. Don't Add
  • Death tropes
  • X the Dog tropes (Kick the Dog, Pet the Dog, Yank the Dog's Chain, etc.)
  • Heart is an Awesome Power
  • Tropes that encompass two or more characters (Ugly Guy, Hot Wife; Huge Guy, Tiny Girl; Betty and Veranica; Tomboy and Girly Girl; etc.)

    Page Listing 


  • ✓ = Completely done (summary has been rewritten, all tropes have been expanded on/commented out/double-checked for accuracy/etc.; all subpages have been looked over; all tropes have been wicked, including those on subpages; spoilers off warnings have been add to applicable pages; main page has been added to relevant indexes)
  • P = Partially finished; started working on it but still needs more
  • N = Next page to work on

Pages I've Created

Pages I've Edited
