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Tropers / Old Wheezie

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OldWheezie is a 22-year-old Troper who lives in the Philippines. While TV Tropes may ruin some lives, it has enhanced his. He is also a stickler for the rules and will always ensure that future edits will meet the guidelines. Right now, he solely focuses on searching and fixing dead links on various tropes and other articles.

In his spare time away from college work, he also thinks of ambitions to write contemporary classical music, film scores, and novels, and draw Disneyesque artworks inspired by his nostagia for 2D and CGI animated shorts and movies like the Disney Animated Canon, various Pixar films (pre-Soul), various DreamWorks films, the works of Don Bluth, Amblimation, Blue Sky, Hanna-Barbera, various Tex Avery cartoons, The Iron Giant (a Brad Bird film), various 2D animated series by Cosgrove Hall, the works of Martin Rosen, Felidae, and the many works of Chuck Jones and Richard Williams.


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