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Tropers / Neofcon

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Neofcon is a video gamer, Youtuber and controversialist. He enjoys Bomberman among many games and loves Mischief Makers like it's crack. He wishes he never lost that cartridge, now he punishes himself that the greatest game of all time is no longer in his hands.

Despite being a Jerkass on the internet, he is actually a very nice person IRL. Usually a tad shy but pretty fun when you get to know him and break him out of his usual habits of avoiding human contact in fear of caring about someone other than his family.

He believes the American Godzilla film Needs More Love, along with various titles he watched with Bile Fascination in mind. He is quite prone to Hype Aversion after playing Halo, Resident Evil 4, and the real kicker, Super Smash Bros. Brawl. And being disappointed with all 3 titles. He knows quite well that Mega Man 9 won't live up to his expectations and will do well to avoid it at all costs.

