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Some Legend of Zelda fan stuck in the olden, golden days of the franchise. I sometimes like other things most other people don't care about, either.

Personal favorite media and other shit

    Video games 
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: Ahhhhhh, Ocarina of Time, how I love you so! This was my first-ever Legend of Zelda game, which I played as a very wee lass, and barring a few issues such as the hub area (Hyrule Field) being largely empty, this game still holds up incredibly well for me! The story is fantastic (easily one of the best in the franchise for me), love love love the gameplay, dungeons and combat, and, even if obviously dated in this day and age, the graphics of the original are still very charming in my opinion! Easily deserves the title of being one of the best video games ever made, and it's personally THE game I associate with the franchise strongest!
    Web Animation 
    Western Animation 
  • The Legend of Zelda animated series - Surprising, huh? Yeah, I've actually loved this series since around middle school, and unironically for the most part, too! It's definitely not the best show out there and is... pretty dated in some aspects, but for its time, I think it was a decent adaptation of the first two games, and it's sooooo lovably silly, too. The Link and Zelda from this show are honestly even in my Top 5 incarnations of those two, I love them that much, and Ganon's also enjoyable too! Even in spite of its flaws and campiness, this show has meant a lot to me for the longest time, and I'll forever cherish it because of that!

Personal least favorite media and other shit

    Web Animation 
  • Thomas' PC Adventures: Back when I was still an active participant of the Thomas & Friends fandom, I used to enjoy Shed 17 and its sequel Project G-1, as, at the time, I found them to be compelling horror stories of the franchise that were actually made by a fan of the series rather than some non-fan who just does boring, overdone stuff like slapping monster parts on Thomas and making him kill people and calling it a day. The horror of those movies, such as Gordon's fatal boiler explosion, actually put me on the edge of my seat at times and I found the plots of both of them, especially with Project G-1 and the sequence where the titular monster appears, to be enjoyable as well. However, one day, I discovered this series, which is by the same creator, and I clicked on the first episode out of morbid curiosity. When I saw the title sequence, I knew that I made a big mistake doing so. I only got through the first and second episodes, and I found neither funny or compelling at all, and the second episode's premise of "haha furries amirite?" and its ending was especially lame to me. Needless to say, I have no plans to watch this series again, and it, along with the creator having gotten into trouble for the way he depicted a fan in Project G-1, has honestly soiled my enjoyment of those two videos.
    Western Animation 
  • Fairview - If there was a show I'd pick for the definition of "South Park at home", then this show would be it. This show is basically South Park without any understanding of what made that show work whatsoever. Animation sucked, I found the characters either too flat to care about, annoying or generally unlikable, and the "jokes" in it were some of the lowest-effort and unfunniest instances of shock and gross-out humor I've had to witness. I could only watch up to half the first episode before quitting in disgust, it was that bad. Needless to say, I think I'll be sticking to South Park and never watching this show again. Not surprised one bit it seems to have been quietly cancelled.
