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Tropers / Mecha Anguirus

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"Most vegetables is fruits."

MechaAnguirus (AKA Manjack) is a TV Tropes user from Hollywood New England, best known for his involvement in minor content and example edits. Initially literally Just Here for Godzilla, lately he has become more active across other media pages, and posts very sporadically in the forum. A font of knowledge on monster media and other such useless crap, you're likely to detect his eggy stench on pages related to Kaiju Works or Tokusatsu Tropes, though he has also allegedly been sighted amongst the Comic Book Tropes. Notable contributions include the current page images for Notzilla, Partially Civilized Animal, Giant Equals Invincible, Woman Scorned, Red Baron, and Robeast.

In what passes for Real Life, MechaAnguirus lives in a suburban basement within spitting distance of The Big Rotten Apple, where he collects Godzilla memorabilia and takes care of his pet lizard Knox, who hates him. When not browsing TV Tropes or playing endless video games, MA usually works in reality television- sorry, unscripted programming.

Networks and shows on TV Tropes MA has worked for:
