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"Service is the rent you pay to live on this Earth."
Shirley Chisholm

29 year old gal living in the Valley of the Sun.

Child of 90s. Prior to the new millennium I was mouthy, primarily focused on my Nintendo 64, and generally bookwormish.. By the time I began high school, I had grown to be more feminine, but not by much.

Went to college in 09. At the bachelor's level I majored in criminal justice, with minors in social work, and family studies. I finished my master's program in human relations at 22-years-old in 2014 and hope to continue spending my life helping those in greatest need. Professionally, I work with victims of domestic violence and homeless families on working towards sustainable housing so they can overcome the cycle of poverty.

     Guilty Pleasures 

     Not a huge fan of: 

I embody these tropes variably:

And encompass these as well—
