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Tropers / Lamore Vincera

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Lamore Vincera is a geek girl with an admittedly cheesy username, an Internet addiction, and way too much time on her hands. Possesses a love of sci-fi/fantasy, RPGs, things that make her laugh hard, and a weird memory for Hey Its That Guy. Loves to be a late adopter on things, because then you can Archive Binge the hell out of it. Has a perpetual hard-on for all things British, and is a sucker for languages (used to know how to curse in Afrikaans, which is a useless skill in the American South).

("Lamore Vincera" - Italian for "love wins". This used to be a long-held belief; now she just thinks it's fucking funny, and keeps it for old times' and laziness' sake.)

A terrible (and apologetic) Serial Tweaker. Same with a tendency to use ten words when two will do, which she is trying to overcome before any other wiki editors pull out the torches and pitchforks. Also has a fucking filthy vocabulary, which she doesn't count as a minus. (Apparently "technically adult" doesn't mean that you can't still have fun making your parents blanch.)

Despite all this, is still mostly okay. Her cats think she's a total Cloud Cuckoolander, though. They're just pissed because they're not getting head scritchy right now, so Your Mileage May Vary.

Is responsible for:

  • The Mists Of Avalon - which she still needs to get off her ass and re-read. Needs more tropes, dammit!
  • Josh Groban - See cheesy username. And yes, I know too fucking much about this.

Tropes and pages she will admit contributing to (important word there, "admit"):

Favorite books/authors:

Favorite TV shows:
